Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Curse of Ministry of Health?

Not sure if you have watched the news or heard about a sex DVD featuring one of our nation's politicians.

But Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek has confessed that he was the man in the sex tape. That really disappointed me.

So far Datuk Seri has done quite a good job as Health Minister of Malaysia. I kind of liked him being the Health Minister as he is a doctor and...he has done a not-bad job. But too bad his character did not match his work performance, as i thought it should be.

I guess there is a curse in the position of Health Minister in Malaysia. Every Health Minister did not serve the post for more than 5 years. Except for Dato' Chua Jui Meng, who served for 9 years. But the rest of the previous Ministers only served not more than 5 years and they either got sacked after that, or something happened that made them resigned.

I also kinda guessed that Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek would not have this job for more than 5 years. And i think i guessed it right this time. But we'll see what is his decision after this. He might continue or he might not.

Pray that our political stability will be blessed by the Lord.

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