Sunday, February 17, 2008


21 years of life have gone. I just can't believe how did i get to this age. Really, it's a miracle. This shows my time is not up. God still has things that He wants me to do.

Have you ever wondered why you are at your age? The reason is because God still has work for you to do. If your work on earth is done, then it's time for you to leave this earth. Otherwise, you still have work to do.

I'm thankful to God for watching over me and brought me through my ups and downs. As i reached 22 years, i reflect on my life, and all i can say is i'm grateful to God.

Parents, friends, and loved ones have come in, brought me joy and happiness, and some even left scars. But those are just life. And they thought me more things.

So i dedicate my birthday to the One Almighty. May He grant me the desires of my heart, and may i grant Him the desires of His heart too.

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