Friday, August 3, 2007

What In the World....?

Tang Lai Meng, a former student of UTAR Bdr. Sg. Long, was found raped and murdered.

I just can't explain how sad and upset i was when i heard about this news. At the back of my mind i was thinking "What in the world is happening to this earth?".

To be honest, cruelty and wickedness are bound to happen, and they are bound to happen more in the future. I was reminded of the scripture when i was praying to God when i heard the news, of the increase of wickedness due to come.

Matthew 24:12, "Because of the increase of wickedness....". There's no way for the world to be a better place. God has indeed said all these things will happen. They will.

What kind of world are we living in? Wicked and more wicked. The only reason of all the evil happening in this world is because...JESUS IS COMING!!

Although i'm very clear of the reason of the increase of wickedness, yet in my heart i still feel saddened and upset of the evil that people are doing. There's no better way of concluding all these than to say.....


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