Friday, August 31, 2007


Malaysia has finally walked through half a century of independence journey. Just want to pay tribute to my motherland. Malaysia is considered one of the fastest growing nations in the world. Due to great leaders and great unity, despite the races, Malaysia has survived "on her own".

If you ask me whether i'm satisfied living in Malaysia, i have to say no. There are some things that i'm not happy with the nation, and i'm sure many people feel the same. But all in all, this is still my country and God has placed me here for a reason.

Look at the world today. Earthquakes, wars, riots, and divisions all happening in different parts of the world. But Malaysia is still safe and people are just great living together. These two elements are what other countries are searching for, yet here in Malaysia we have them. God has certainly blessed this nation, because His people pray.

My greatest hope is that Malaysia will continue to be safe and peaceful, free from violence and destructions, whether natural or man-made. And also hope that our government will rule diligently and wisely, not forsaking the greatest contributors of the country's economy. You know who i mean.

So Dear God, bless Malaysia.

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