Saturday, May 19, 2007

My Contemporary Thought : Psalm 1

Psalm 1 :

1 - Favour is upon him who does not follow what the wicked says, or make himself a green light to the works of sinners, or say to mockers: we're a family!

2 - But he holds tight to the safety jacket while swimming, and wouldn't want to let go even if he spends the whole day and night in the sea.

3 - He will be like living in his dreams, where he does not need to worry about survival, food, or shelter. Everything he touches turns to gold.

4 - But the wicked are like the dust, which people blow and wipe away.

5 - Saddam Hussein, though he was rich and powerful, but in the end he had nothing.

6 - While Billy Graham, God gave him a life that was influential and impactful not only to the kingdom of God, but also to people in the world.

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